Er Resource Planning

Author: Charlie Cao

In this notebook, we are going to explore ways that one can apply Discrete Event Simulation when making resource planning decisions for Emergency Rooms (ER). We encourage you to create your own Jupytor Notebook and follow along. You can also download this Notebook along with any accompanying data in the Notebooks and Data GitHub Repository. Alternatively, if you do not have Python or Jupyter Notebook installed yet, you may experiment with a virtual Notebook by launching Binder or Syzygy below (learn more about these two tools in the Resource tab).

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Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a useful decision making tool that can be applied to situations where resources are limited and where there are queues in the process or system. Using DES, stakeholders can assess simulated outcomes, as measured by specified Key Point Indicators (KPIs), of various scenarios (e.g. different bed capacities or staffing schedules in an emergency room) without having to conduct costly experiments onsite (read more about DES itself here).

Nowadays, there are many software that enable not only simulations, but also animations of systems and processes. However, in this Notebook, we will take a look at a DES framework within Python called SimPy. The Notebook is divided into two sections. In the first half, we will take a look at the basic functionalities of SimPy with a simple emergency room (ER) example; in the second half, we will build Python classes and objects using SimPy. Through this Notebook, we hope to help provide a basic understanding of some DES software packages do behind the scenes.

Process-Oriented Modeling

Now, let’s assume the following for an ER:

  • There is only one required resource for each patient: a bed (combined with a doctor).
  • There is only one bed (and a doctor) in the ER.
  • The ER opens 24/7, although we will only be simulating the first 24 hours.
  • The first patient arrives at exactly 12am (midnight).
  • After that, approximately 2 patients arrive every hour, which can be modeled with an exponential distribution.
  • Each patient uses the bed for approximately 30 minutes, which can also be fitted with an exponential distribution, and
  • The patient will always survive, if they get to use the bed (see the doctor); while waiting, however, they can only survive for 10 minutes on average (which, again, can be modeled with an exponential distribution).

Before we begin, please install and import the following packages. If you are running this Notebook on Syzygy, you might still need to “pip install” the simpy package by opening a terminal in the virtual evironment.

import simpy as sim
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from datetime import timedelta

We will first assign the above information to variables, so that it will be easier for us to change any of the parameters for sensitivity analysis in the future:

cap_bed = 1.0
avg_arr = 2.0 # patients per hour
avg_bed_use = 0.5 # hour per patient
surv_time = 1/6
sim_time = 24.0

In the SimPy package, simulations are conducted within an environment. It would be more convenient to initiate the environment right before running the model, so that we always start with a clean or new environment; however, we decided to keep this at the beginning of this Notebook, so that we are clear as to what the variable env refers to later on in the various functions that we define.

env = sim.Environment()

After the environment is initiated, we can create our resource, a bed, within the environment:

bed = sim.Resource(env, capacity=cap_bed)

In the first function, arrival(), which we will be defining below, we want the user to pass in three arguments:

  • the environment of this particular simulation,
  • the average number of patient arrivals per hour, and
  • the resource needed for each patient.

As long as the simulation is still running, this function will continue to operate. The function contains yield instead of return, which allows it to become a generator (read more about Python generators. Every time a patient variable (object) is created through this function, the environment is progressed for the randomly simulated amount of interarrival time.

def arrival(env, avg_arr, bed):
    i = 1
    while True:
        # create a patient (p) object using the patient() function
        p = patient(env, 'Patient {:02d}'.format(i), bed, avg_bed_use)
        # load the patient into the processes (schedule) of our environment
        # simulate a random interarrival time
        t = np.random.exponential(1/avg_arr)
        i += 1
        # progressed the environment for the simulated interarrival time
        yield env.timeout(t)

The second function, patient(), takes in four arguments:

  • the environment,
  • the patient’s identification number,
  • the required resource (bed), and
  • the average amount of time each patient uses the bed.

Within this function, we first record the arrival time of the patient, and then we request for a bed using the request() method of our resource object. The environment is going to progress either until the resource becomes available or until the patient runs out of their ‘survival time’. After calculating the wait time, if the patient is still alive, we progress the environment for the patient’s diagnosis time.

def patient(env, patient_id, bed, avg_bed_use):

    arrive =
    # print arrival time of patient in a time format instead of a float
    print('{}: {} arrived'.format(str(timedelta(hours=round(,2))), patient_id))

    # request for the resource and automatically release it afterwards
    with bed.request() as req:

        # simulate a random survival time for the patient while waiting
        survival = np.random.exponential(surv_time)
        # Wait till either the resource to become available
        # or the end of the patient's survival time, whichever first
        results = yield req | env.timeout(survival)

        # calculate wait time
        wait = - arrive

        # if the patient get to use the bed before his/her survival time runs out
        if req in results:
            print('{}: {} waited for {}'.format(str(timedelta(hours=round(,2))),
            # simulate a random amount of time that the patient uses the bed
            diagnosis = np.random.exponential(avg_bed_use)
            yield env.timeout(diagnosis)
            print('{}: {} is discharged'.format(str(timedelta(hours=round(,2))), patient_id))

            print('{}: {} left us after {}, unfortunately'.format(str(timedelta(hours=round(,2))),

Finally, let’s load the patient arrivals into our environment using the process() method of our environment (read more about SimPy processes), and then we can start the simulation using the run() method.

In SimPy, simulations normally start at time 0 (unitless). We can define time units however we want to, although it is good practice to keep it consistent to avoid confusion. In the functions above, we re-formatted the unitless time by passing it into a timedelta() function as hours, and displayed it after transforming it into a string using the str() function.

env.process(arrival(env, avg_arr, bed))
0:00:00: Patient 01 arrived
0:00:00: Patient 01 waited for 0:00:00
0:06:00: Patient 02 arrived
0:08:24: Patient 03 arrived
0:18:00: Patient 02 left us after 0:12:00, unfortunately
0:28:12: Patient 03 left us after 0:19:48, unfortunately
0:55:12: Patient 04 arrived
0:58:48: Patient 04 left us after 0:03:36, unfortunately
1:12:36: Patient 01 is discharged
2:21:00: Patient 05 arrived
2:21:00: Patient 05 waited for 0:00:00
2:39:00: Patient 05 is discharged
3:11:24: Patient 06 arrived
3:11:24: Patient 06 waited for 0:00:00
3:11:24: Patient 06 is discharged
3:32:24: Patient 07 arrived
3:32:24: Patient 07 waited for 0:00:00
3:45:00: Patient 08 arrived
3:46:12: Patient 08 left us after 0:01:12, unfortunately
3:47:24: Patient 07 is discharged
3:49:48: Patient 09 arrived
3:49:48: Patient 09 waited for 0:00:00
3:50:24: Patient 09 is discharged
4:52:48: Patient 10 arrived
4:52:48: Patient 10 waited for 0:00:00
4:58:48: Patient 10 is discharged
6:31:48: Patient 11 arrived
6:31:48: Patient 11 waited for 0:00:00
6:37:12: Patient 11 is discharged
6:58:48: Patient 12 arrived
6:58:48: Patient 12 waited for 0:00:00
7:02:24: Patient 13 arrived
7:11:24: Patient 14 arrived
7:11:24: Patient 14 left us after 0:00:00, unfortunately
7:13:12: Patient 13 left us after 0:10:48, unfortunately
7:42:36: Patient 15 arrived
7:43:48: Patient 16 arrived
7:48:36: Patient 12 is discharged
7:48:36: Patient 15 waited for 0:06:00
7:50:24: Patient 16 left us after 0:06:36, unfortunately
8:19:48: Patient 17 arrived
8:20:24: Patient 17 left us after 0:00:36, unfortunately
9:07:48: Patient 15 is discharged
9:49:48: Patient 18 arrived
9:49:48: Patient 18 waited for 0:00:00
10:18:00: Patient 19 arrived
10:24:36: Patient 19 left us after 0:07:12, unfortunately
10:30:36: Patient 20 arrived
10:31:48: Patient 20 left us after 0:00:36, unfortunately
10:54:00: Patient 21 arrived
11:04:12: Patient 21 left us after 0:10:12, unfortunately
11:26:24: Patient 18 is discharged
12:05:24: Patient 22 arrived
12:05:24: Patient 22 waited for 0:00:00
12:29:24: Patient 22 is discharged
12:36:36: Patient 23 arrived
12:36:36: Patient 23 waited for 0:00:00
12:52:12: Patient 24 arrived
13:00:00: Patient 24 left us after 0:07:12, unfortunately
13:45:00: Patient 23 is discharged
14:17:24: Patient 25 arrived
14:17:24: Patient 25 waited for 0:00:00
14:49:48: Patient 26 arrived
14:50:24: Patient 26 left us after 0:00:36, unfortunately
15:33:00: Patient 25 is discharged
16:14:24: Patient 27 arrived
16:14:24: Patient 27 waited for 0:00:00
16:25:48: Patient 28 arrived
16:44:24: Patient 29 arrived
16:46:48: Patient 29 left us after 0:01:48, unfortunately
17:06:00: Patient 27 is discharged
17:06:00: Patient 28 waited for 0:40:12
17:51:00: Patient 30 arrived
18:10:48: Patient 31 arrived
18:22:48: Patient 31 left us after 0:12:00, unfortunately
18:31:12: Patient 30 left us after 0:40:12, unfortunately
18:43:12: Patient 28 is discharged
19:03:36: Patient 32 arrived
19:03:36: Patient 32 waited for 0:00:00
19:21:36: Patient 33 arrived
19:24:36: Patient 33 left us after 0:02:24, unfortunately
19:33:00: Patient 32 is discharged
20:15:00: Patient 34 arrived
20:15:00: Patient 34 waited for 0:00:00
20:22:12: Patient 35 arrived
20:33:00: Patient 34 is discharged
20:33:00: Patient 35 waited for 0:10:48
21:17:24: Patient 36 arrived
21:19:12: Patient 35 is discharged
21:19:12: Patient 36 waited for 0:01:48
21:52:12: Patient 36 is discharged
22:01:12: Patient 37 arrived
22:01:12: Patient 37 waited for 0:00:00
22:06:36: Patient 38 arrived
22:10:12: Patient 39 arrived
22:12:00: Patient 39 left us after 0:01:48, unfortunately
22:15:36: Patient 38 left us after 0:09:00, unfortunately
22:19:12: Patient 40 arrived
22:21:00: Patient 41 arrived
22:21:00: Patient 41 left us after 0:00:00, unfortunately
22:41:24: Patient 40 left us after 0:22:12, unfortunately
22:58:12: Patient 42 arrived
23:03:36: Patient 43 arrived
23:06:36: Patient 42 left us after 0:07:48, unfortunately
23:19:48: Patient 43 left us after 0:16:12, unfortunately
23:25:12: Patient 44 arrived
23:36:00: Patient 44 left us after 0:10:48, unfortunately
23:46:48: Patient 45 arrived

Ta-da! We just ran our first SimPy simulation. However, you probably have noticed right away that:

  1. The output is long and not very readable, even for such a simple simulation, and
  2. If we were to create more functions for a more complicated simulation, each function can easily get lost.

In the second half of this Notebook, we are going to use classes and methods to separate the different processes and objects/entities; we will also visualize a couple of Key Point Indicators (KPIs), so that the simulation results are easier to interpret. Classes help us better organize the different methods (functions) by giving them more structure (read more about Python class).

Object-Oriented Modeling

We will maintain the same assumptions in our situation as before:

  • There is only one required resource for each patient: a bed (combined with a doctor).
  • There is only one bed (and a doctor) in the ER.
  • The ER opens 24/7, although we will only be simulating the first 24 hours.
  • The first patient arrives at exactly 12am (midnight).
  • After that, approximately 2 patients arrive every hour, which can be modeled with an exponential distribution.
  • Each patient uses the bed for approximately 30 minutes, which can also be fitted with an exponential distribution, and
  • The patient will always survive, if they get to use the bed (see the doctor); while waiting, however, they can only survive for 10 minutes on average (which, again, can be modeled with an exponential distribution).
cap_bed = 1.0
avg_arr = 2.0 # patients per hour
surv_time = 1/6
avg_bed_use = 0.5 # hour per patient
sim_time = 24.0

We will define four classes: Record, Patient, Bed (Resource), and Model. The Record class is simply created to – you guessed it – store global variables and performance metrics of the simulation:

class Record:

    # the frequency that we are going to check our simulation
    check_interval = 0.25

    # storage space for KPIs at each check point
    check_time = []
    check_pat_current = [] # total current patients
    check_pat_waiting = [] # current patients waiting
    check_bed_inuse = [] # current number of bed in use
    check_survival = [] # current survival rate

    # storage space for each patient's timeline
    record_pat_id = []
    record_time_in = []
    record_wait_time = []
    record_time_use_bed = [] # the time when each patient starts using the bed
    record_bed_use = [] # the amount of time each patient uses the bed
    record_time_out = []
    record_survival = [] # binary variable indicating whether the patient survived

    # global variables
    count_pat = 0 # total patients throughout the simulation
    pat_waiting = 0 # current number of patients waiting
    pat_current = 0 # total current patients
    survival = 0 # total number of patients who survived

    # empty dataframes created for visualization
    results = pd.DataFrame()
    history = pd.DataFrame()

The second and third classes, Patient and Bed, are also quite simple. The Patient class starts with a dictionary that stores all the patients (Python objects); it then initiates a list of attributes for itself, such as arrival time, wait time, and survival time. The Bed class simply sets up a resource with a user-specified capacity.

class Patient:

    all_patients = {}

    def __init__(self, env):
        Record.count_pat += 1
        #attributes = Record.count_pat
        self.bed_use = np.random.exponential(avg_bed_use) # the amount of time this patient will use the bed
        self.time_in = # arrival time
        self.time_queue = 0.0 # wait time
        self.time_use_bed = 0.0 # time when this patient starts using the bed
        self.time_out = 0.0 # time when the patient gets discharged
        self.surv_time = np.random.exponential(surv_time) # the amount of time the patient can survive waiting
        self.survival = 1 # binary variable indicating whether this patient survives

class Bed:

    def __init__(self, env, cap_bed):
        self.bed = sim.Resource(env, capacity=cap_bed)

The fourth class, the Model class, seems to be more complicated, but we can dissect it by looking at each of its methods (which would normally be called functions had they not been included under a class).

  • First, an environment is initiated whenever this class is called (i.e. when a model object is created).
  • The second method, use_bed(), defines the process of requesting our resource; after requesting for the bed, we record the patient into our global variables and simulate a random survival time for the patient. It then goes through the same process as described in the first half of this Notebook: simulating and recording each patient’s attributes, such as wait time, survival time, and survival status.
  • The patient_arrival() method generates patients (Python objects) as long as the simulation is running, progressing the environment by a randomly simulated interarrival time each time a patient is generated.
  • The check_model() method is a parallel process to the patient_arrival() process, which checks on the global variables following user-specified intervals (defined in Record class).
  • The run() method loads the two parallel processes and initializes the entire simulation process, and finally,
  • The build_report() and plot_results() methods generate visualized representations of the simulation at the end of each run.
class Model:

    def __init__(self):

        self.env = sim.Environment()

    def use_bed(self, pat):

        with self.resource_bed.bed.request() as req:

            Record.pat_waiting += 1
            Record.pat_current += 1

            results = yield req | self.env.timeout(pat.surv_time)

            pat.time_use_bed =
            pat.time_queue = - pat.time_in
            Record.pat_waiting -= 1

            if req in results:

                yield self.env.timeout(pat.bed_use)
                pat.time_out =
                pat.survival = 1
                Record.pat_current -= 1
                Record.survival += 1


                pat.bed_use = 0.0
                pat.time_out = 0.0
                pat.survival = 0
                Record.pat_current -= 1


    def patient_arrival(self):

        while < sim_time:

            pat = Patient(self.env)
            pat.all_patients[] = pat

            pat_arr_next = np.random.exponential(1/avg_arr)
            yield self.env.timeout(pat_arr_next)

    def check_model(self):

        while True:

            yield self.env.timeout(Record.check_interval)


    def run(self):

        self.resource_bed = Bed(self.env, cap_bed)



    def build_report(self):

        Record.results['Time'] = Record.check_time
        Record.results['Current Patients'] = Record.check_pat_current
        Record.results['Waiting Patients'] = Record.check_pat_waiting
        Record.results['Bed in Use'] = Record.check_bed_inuse

        Record.history['Patient ID'] = Record.record_pat_id
        Record.history['Time In'] = Record.record_time_in
        Record.history['Wait Time'] = Record.record_wait_time
        Record.history['Bed Start'] = Record.record_time_use_bed
        Record.history['Use Time'] = Record.record_bed_use
        Record.history['Time Out'] = Record.record_time_out
        Record.history['Survival'] = Record.record_survival

    def plot_results(self):

        fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(9,8), dpi=100)

        x = Record.record_pat_id
        y = Record.record_wait_time
        ax[0,0].scatter(x, y, marker='x')
        ax[0,0].set_xlabel('Patient ID')
        ax[0,0].set_ylabel('Wait Time')
        ax[0,0].set_title('Wait Time of Each Patient')
        ax[0,0].grid(True, which='both', lw=1, ls='--', c='.75')

        x = Record.check_time
        y = Record.check_pat_waiting
        ax[0,1].plot(x, y, marker='.')
        ax[0,1].set_ylabel('Patients Waiting')
        ax[0,1].set_title('Patients Waiting at Each Check Point')
        ax[0,1].grid(True, which='both', lw=1, ls='--', c='.75')

        x = Record.check_time
        y = Record.check_bed_inuse
        ax[1,0].plot(x, y, marker='.')
        ax[1,0].set_ylabel('Bed In Use')
        ax[1,0].set_title('Bed In Use at Each Check Point')
        ax[1,0].grid(True, which='both', lw=1, ls='--', c='.75')

        x = Record.check_time
        y = Record.check_survival
        ax[1,1].plot(x, y, marker='.', color='red')
        ax[1,1].set_ylabel('Survival Rate')
        ax[1,1].set_title('Survival Rate at Each Check Point')
        ax[1,1].grid(True, which='both', lw=1, ls='--', c='.75')
        ax[1,1].set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1)


Now that we have finished defining the classes and their methods, we can finally create an instance of the model and run it!

# For more informatio on random seeds
model = Model()


Next, we want to calculate and display the simulation result statistics:

display(round(Record.history.describe()[['Wait Time', 'Use Time', 'Survival']].drop('count', axis=0),2))

Wait TimeUse TimeSurvival

We can see that the survival rate stabilizes to around 60% after around seven or eight hours, which is something that may be worth exploring, depending on whether you are running Finite-Horizon or Infinite-Horizon DES. Nevertheless, it could be suprising to some that, under the given conditions where around two patients arrive per hour and where each patient uses the bed for approximately 30 minutes, there seems to be long wait times and high fatality rates for patients. Simulations are extremely helpful whenever there are uncertainties, especially in cases like this ER scenario, where the given conditions seem to be reasonable, but actually lead to disastrous outputs. Below is a detailed list of each patient’s record:

time_history = Record.history.copy()

time_history[['Time In',
              'Wait Time',
              'Bed Start',
              'Use Time',
              'Time Out']]=time_history[['Time In',
                                         'Wait Time',
                                         'Bed Start',
                                         'Use Time',
                                         'Time Out']].apply(lambda x: pd.to_timedelta(round(x,2), unit='h'))


Patient IDTime InWait TimeBed StartUse TimeTime OutSurvival

Next Steps

Now that you have a basic understanding of how to build a simple Discrete Event Simulation model using SimPy, we encourage you to take it one step further and find out the business implications of the following:

  • What is the optimal number of beds in this simulation? You may want to make different assumptions about the cost of each bed/doctor, as well as the value of survival.
  • Conduct sensitivity analysis to understand the impact of the changes to some of the existing assumptions, such as:
    • The inter-arrival time of patients (potentially varies depending on time of the day),
    • The amount of time each patient uses the bed (it is most likely right-skewed in reality and should be modeled with a log-normal distribution), and
    • Each patient’s survival time (or probability) while waiting and after they see a doctor.

References and Attributions

  • Allen, M. (2018). An Emergency Department Model in SimPy, with Patient Prioritization and Capacityy Limited by Doctor Availability (Object-Based). Retrieved from:
  • Isken, M. (2017). An Object-Oriented SimPy Patient Flow Simulation Model. Retrieved from: